Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Random photos

 Paper Mulch in beds for cabbages and broccoli.
 Cabbages planted and being covered with row cover to keep out insects. Broccoli and kale to be in the next bed over.
 Some of the lettuce varieties for this year.
 Cleaning, sanitizing and tagging CSA delivery bags.
 Randy and June seeding winter squash.
 Deep plowing and renovating about 1/4 acre of beds. Garlic and onions in the background.
 Carrots, first crop ready in a few weeks.
 Snap peas on the vine, harvest soon.
 Summer squash
 Tomatoes starting to peak out of their wind shields.
 First crop of beans.
 Onions starting to bulb up.
 Harvesting Napa Cabbage
Loaded and ready for the cool room.

1 comment:

Super Jen said...

Thanks for the photos!